The growth in online presence of major Canadian retailers enabled NLI to successfully grow from the incentives and loyalty markets to the ultra competitive world of online retail.
Through the successful experience achieved with the loyalty and corporate divisions, NLI Solutions was able to revolutionize the shipping and handling model as it existed at the time by expanding its role & providing a full supply chain solution.
NLI Retail can help clients expand their geographical reach while minimizing infrastructure. NLI has successfully partnered with international manufacturers and provided distribution channels to enter and thrive in the Canadian market.
NLI has been a key supplier within the premium incentives and loyalty landscape in Canada for over 20 years. Our key to success is through our partnership with cutting-edge brands while focusing on customer service. Our Loyalty division spans over 450 brands that range from fashion to electronics, sporting gear, housewares and more. NLI Solutions is recognized as the go-to source of knowledge and strategic guidance for organizations looking to develop or design loyalty programs for their clients.
NLI Corporate begun in 2007 as a one-stop shop for manufacturers and distributors to introduce their products to restricted/membership only buying groups. Since then, its services have expanded from providing small and mid size re-sellers the opportunity to access discounts through volume/aggregate procurement, to becoming a strategic partner with major health organization, fund raising lotteries and corporate events.
The corporate group has successfully partnered up with lotteries and other large scale nation-wide capital fundraising programs, overseeing the entire supply chain management of products offered as prizes and awards.
To learn more on Brand Retail Distribution, please visit:
1515 Drew Road,
ON, L5S 1Y8
1695 Drew Road,
Mississauga, L5S 1J5
1 (855) 813-6055
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